Q: When is the best time to visit Hedonism II?
A: Anytime we are there!
There is no bad time to visit Hedonism II. Weather in Negril at Hedonism is warmest between April and October. You will find the highest temperatures in July. January brings the mildest temps but some of the wildest parties. We often recommend a visit during Spring or Fall because these are increasingly popular times to visit and you will find entertaining and energetic groups. The Spring and Fall months also have low rates. April at Hedo is a blast! Over the last few years, the whole calendar at Hedo has filled up with diverse, wild and sexy groups. Prices are cheaper during the Summer season but the resort also plans annual renovation projects during these lower occupancy months.
These groups and annual trips are on our short list for future Hedo adventures or return trips.
- January Week 2 or 3 for Lifestyle month
- February Fluffernutter Winter Takeover
- October with Southern Vibrations
- November for Hedo Anniversary Week
High season at Hedonism is November through March. January is Lifestyle month and full of Swingers and and because of that, you will find some of the highest prices of the year. When we plan a trip, we decide on a time of year that works best for us, then check the Hedonism II Events page and talk with our friends on the Hedo Facebook group about their recommendations and experiences. We like to sample everything once and have traveled with a variety of groups over the the years. We always have suggestions, so reach out to us when considering a clothing optional adventure.
This a post from our Shameless Adventures series on Hedonism II frequently asked questions. If you have any questions about the resort or what it’s like to visit, send us an email to info@shamelessadventures.com or leave a comment below.